Creating software is easy, creating good software is not
Creating software is actually the easiest part of software development.
Creating software is actually the easiest part of software development.
On a recent project, I needed to write some Azure Active Directory functionality to help with retrieving user information via C#. Here is a helper I wrote.
Creating ASP.NET Web Applications with .NET Core 3.x+ onwards is very simple, even including authentication.
Created a C# .NET Core library for the Electroneums crypto currency REST API, based on the PHP Vendor Lib.
With the development of the new .NET Core we have the new nuget package referencing which no longer uses packages.config, rather PackageReference.
First, lets look at a Microservices definition from :
Nowadays many people are using cloud services to host their websites, however there is still a usage for I.I.S for website hosting.
How to start visual studio code on a file with specific line number
About SQL Server Distributed Transactions Questions relating to MSDT...