Jun 2006 - 2010 - 4 years Emstream Sydney, Australia ——————————————————————-

I was contracted to develop a desktop music scheduling and playback application to be used in venues such as hotels,restaurants. The application ran 24/7 in various venues in Australia. Sydney and Melbourne.

There were multiple zones of music in each venue such as the lobby, restaurant, and other areas. Each zone could be indiviudally controlled with scheduled, or on-demand playlists, and changed on the fly as needed…. with querying, filtering of songs by tempo, genre, custom Emstream catalog classifications.

I consulted with the manager and CEO to determine their requirements, and built the initial application over a 6 to 12 month period. The majority of this development was done remotely with the occassional on-site visit to discuss technical challenges or changes.

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Emstream gallery.

After the application was launched I maintained it over a period of several years for fixes, updates and additions.

Initially constructed in Visual Basic 6 due to limitations with connection to a required third party COM+ component. Everything was constructed in a modular design in order to be able to maintain it well after its deployment, this was a design goal from the outset. I then recreated the core components in C# Winforms, and later WPF.

This was a wonderful challenge, as I was the sole developer on this project, it was complex due to interactions with third-party components that had limitations. Theming Engines, COM+, VB6